The challenges, struggles and opportunities of small church leadership - with Stephen Anderson

What are the issues that senior pastors of smaller churches face - personally and to do with church culture, mission and identity.

What are the joys and tensions? What is ministry success? What are the common pastoral frustrations? 

How is long term ministry fruitfulness helped or hindered by our ecclesiology? 

The reality is that most churches are small churches… they are under 175 members. 

How evangelism and Christian parenting approaches need to change - with David Reitveld

There have been massive social changes as the western world has shifted from a Christian world view to a post Christian world view. In his new book ‘Being Christian after Christendom’, the senior pastor of Dapto Anglican Church David Rietveld analyzes the changes that churches, pastors and parents face in this transition.

Six weeks ago on The Pastor’s Heart David gave his explanation of the problem. David is back today to paint a positive way forward for evangelism and parenting amongst the post Christian world view.

1 Timothy 2 and the scholarly debate - with Lionel Windsor

1 Timothy 2:8-15 might be the most controversial New Testament passage.  

There has been an enormous amount of scholarly attention on this section of scripture, especially over the last few decades, and there are practical questions that we can’t ignore in church life. 

Lionel Windsor is a New Testament lecturer at Sydney’s Moore Theological College. Lionel teaches the pastoral epistles to third year students. So is abreast of the scholarly debate. 

The Gender Revolution - with Patricia & Kamal Weerakoon and Rob Smith

What is meant by each of the terms biological sex, gendered behaviors or expressions, sexual orientation and gendered identity? How do the various terms relate? 

We talk to former director of Sydney University’s  Graduate Program in Sexual Heath, Dr Patricia Weerakoon, Rob Smith, who is head of doctrine at Sydney Missionary and Bible College and Rev Kamal Weerakoon, who has done masters studies in this area.  

A homiletical health check - the state of preaching in Australian Churches - with Mike Raiter

We take a pulse check on the health of preaching in Australian Evangelical Churches with one of our leading preachers, from Melbourne’s Centre for Biblical Preaching, Mike Raiter. 

Mike has just spent a few weeks surveying twenty different Australian Churches - watching  their sermons online - and analysing them on type of sermon, biblical genre, who was being preached to, faithfulness to text, length of sermon, appropriateness of application, and how well the preacher addressed the heart? 

The art of Christian pastoring after Christendom - with David Rietveld

Major cultural change is making a big impact on Christians and the church.  Something radical has changed. 

Admitting you follow Jesus ‘weirds people out’ in a way it never has before.  And doing church the way we did no longer yields the same results. 

Senior minister of Dapto Anglican David Rietfield says there’s fewer new people and the regulars are coming less frequently. 

Concupiscence and Sexual Same Sex Attraction? - with Rob Smith

What is the relationship between concupiscence and sexual same sex attraction?

One of the most contentious issues facing the Christian Church at this moment is how can Christians think and speak truthfully, clearly and compassionately about desire and temptation in a way that does not condone or encourage sin? 

The tenth of the Anglican Church’s 39 Articles says (in part) that: ‘concupiscence and lust hath of itself the nature of sin.’

First or last for the Jews? - with Joseph Steinberg, Rahel and Mark Landrom

Are our Gentile Pastor’s Hearts out of step with God?

The Apostle Paul says the gospel should be first for the Jew, but Joseph Stienberg, is calling for a rethink, saying often the western church has as it’s priorities: the gospel being ‘last for the Jew.’

Should we think of Jews as ‘another people group’ or given their special place in God’s unfolding plan, should they have a special place in mission priorities?

Highlights, insights, reflections and things I learned in Africa - Dominic Steele

In almost every personal conversation I’ve had since returning from Africa I’ve been asked about my personal reflections on the almost four weeks that Catherine and I spent there. 

How was Gafcon?  What was significant? What stood out? How has Africa impacted you?

This episode features conversations with Archbishop Tito Zavala (Chile), Archbishop James Wong (Indian Ocean), Rico Tice (Christianity Explored), Richard Coekin (London), Vaughan Roberts (Oxford), Michael Charles (Anglican Aid, Melina Galiboma (Link Officer, Mara Diocese),  Bishop Mwita Akiri (Teremi, Tanzania) 

A special night at New York's Redeemer Church honouring their founder Tim Keller - with Tony Carnes

From left: Dr. Vanessa Hawkins sitting in for Michael Keller (Redeemer Lincoln Center); Rev David Bisgrove, (Redeemer West Side, oldest of the spinoffs); Rev justin Ardour, (Redeemer Harlem); Rev Pete Nicholas, (Redeemer Downtown); Rev. Bruce Terrill, (Executive Director of Redeemer East Side, the original church started in 1989).
The five congregations gathered at the Salvation Army HQ Hall, 14th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan at an evening originally planned to cast the next stage of Redeemer’s Vision, but which became a moment for the church family to grieve and pray after the death of Redeemer founder Tim Keller