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An extraordinary story of God working by his spirit in the life of African Primate Laurent Mbunda
Larent Mbunda is now the Anglican Primate of Rwanda and the Deputy Chair of the Gafcon Movement.
Take a moment to be encouraged by the extraordinary story of God’s grace in his life, and the amazing ways that God has used him.
Correlations between leadership behaviors and ministry burnout - with Valerine Ling
What is the relationship between clergy leadership behaviors and burnout?
How does destructive leadership behavior relate to burnout?
What about conflict at church? How does a minister being the target of personal violence correlate to thoughts of quitting?
How is it different if you are a solo minister or part of a team?
And what if you are the team leader or a team member? Plus how is it different for women in ministry?
How do we as pastors help people with addictions? Addictions to alcohol, gambling, narcotics, gaming and sex addictions.
How much is sin? How much is addiction?
Penny Wilkinson and her husband Andrew direct the Overcomers Outreach ministry ( and the Overcomers Place ( in Sydney.
Penny has just marked 20 years of Sobriety, having had her last drink of alcohol on 18 March 2003.
We are not called to be entertainers, but preachers. How might we as individuals and as leaders of God’s people tremble before him? And are we going soft on this?
What is the connection between the text and the preacher? As a preacher, how long since you have been rebuked and repented? How has your world view has been challenged recently?
Paul Grimmond is Dean of Students at Sydney’s Moore Theological College.
Phil Coglan is senior pastor at Sydney’s St George North Anglican Church.
They were both keynote speakers at the ‘Tremble at His word’ Nexus Conference in Sydney last week
How might our church best relate to other organisations (churches, denominations and parachurches) who are also engaged in the grand cause of reaching the world for Christ?
What is the difference between a church and parachurch and how might they best interact?
Are para-churches really just crypto-churches? And would we be better off calling them what they really are? Or do we need to change our patterns of governance and membership to make room for a broader and more diffuse idea of church?
How do we work together in complementarian ministry as we lead small group bible studies/growth groups/community groups?
Most groups have a male and female leadership paired together in leadership. But how do those two people work together?
Just over a decade ago Bishop Robert Forsyth and I were engaged in a church discipline process that eventually ended up before the NSW Supreme Court.
Today we address lessons learned during that difficult season. Robert and I will relive a difficult part of our lives. Associate Professor of Law Neil Foster will bring expert commentary.
Can I urge you to be circumspect in discussing this episode. We have been careful in our words. We want to warn against maverick comments on social media. Nothing in this episode should be taken as legal advice.
Dominic Steele, Minister
The church of England departs the Christian faith - with Archbishop Justin Badi
12 Primates of the Global South Provinces have issued a statement saying ‘The Church of England has departed from the historic faith, passed down from the Apostles.’
The Primates - who are all national leaders within the denomination - say that the Church of England has disqualified herself from leading the Anglican Communion.
The Church of England official media release says “The Church of England’s General Synod has welcomed proposals which would enable same-sex couples to come to church after a civil marriage or civil partnership to give thanks, dedicate their relationship to God and receive God’s blessing.”
The House of Bishops took a proposal to bless same sex marriages in church to the English general synod last week, in an initiative led by the Bishop of London, the Bishop of York and the Archbishop of Canterbury.
And yet what do the words in the synod resolution actually mean?
Dr Peter Jensen is the former general secretary of the Gafcon movement and former Archbishop of Sydney.
Christian kids musician and entertainer Colin Buchanan joins Dominic Steele on The Pastor's Heart, to answer questions submitted over the last few weeks plus a few questions that Colin wrote himself.
Plus Colin premiers a new song 'If you have ever made a mess, say yes!'
Archie Poulos has given us a list of books that he’s read in the last 12 months that have stimulated him to think about different ministry areas.
The Bishops of the Church of England have announced that same sex relationships will be able to be blessed in Church of England churches.
In a massive turnaround, the English bishops are saying that what God says is sin, is blessed.
The prophet Isaiah says,
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. - Isaiah 5:20
Most of us evangelical pastors, theological colleges, indeed the whole of evangelicalism - we have a blind spot when it comes to Roman Catholicism in our theology, missiology and practice.
Where do we as Evangelicals make mistakes in our engagement with the Roman Catholic world?
What can we change? What should we change?
How do we best see our Roman Catholic friends come to a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ?
How does the Bible’s unfolding story makes sense of modern life and culture ?
Christopher Watkin, who lectures in Philosophy at Monash University, has a new book out, Biblical Critical Theory, that paints a picture of a Biblical Theological worldview and interacts well along the way with all the major thinkers of the age.
Today we profile the Christian faith of one of the most significant figures of the early colony of New South Wales, Lachlan Macquarie, and his evangelical wife Elizabeth (yes the one used to sit in Mrs Macquaries Chair just across from where the Sydney Opera House is).
In this ‘Best Of’ episode we discuss John Harris’ book ‘Judging the Macquaries’ - with Peter Adam
Harris’ book scrutinises and reassesses the lives of early governor of NSW Lachlan Macquarie and Elizabeth.