What does Monica Cook think we as pastors get wrong as we talk to people about sex?
How can we as pastors do a better job at helping people in regards to sex at the start of a marriage relationship?
What basic things does Monica want pre-marital couples to know? How do you frame sex in a healthy way?
We are talking about different personality traits on staff teams especially as they impact ministry team leaders.
It’s wonderful that we are all different and have our particular personality quirks.
But having some self-awareness about what we are like, and how others can be very different, is very important to help us work and relate to others in helpful and loving ways.
This week we are taking a deep dive into building sustainable ministries - starting with assessing, equipping and empowering team leaders.
We discuss how to assess if someone is ready to be a team leader, how to develop a leadership pipeline, and how to ensure someone takes a high level of responsibility.
Will the new Gospel Coalition campaign help or harm the cause of Christ in Australia?
Bill Salier and Akos Balough from The Gospel Coalition are promoting it.
Dominic Steele thinks it will do more harm than good and urged The Gospel Coalition to go back to the drawing board.
An explosive petition has brought to light a tidal wave of sexual abuse at Australian schools at the hands of young men.
The idea to create the now-viral online petition came after former Kambala School student raised the issue with friends via an Instagram poll.
72 per cent of 300 of her friends said they or someone they are close to had experienced sexual assault from a student from an all-boys school in Sydney's eastern suburbs.
You can view the petition online at: https://www.teachusconsent.com/
The stories in the petition are profoundly confronting and disturbing.
We explore the part played by pornography, a heart of sin, the role of parents, peer group, broader youth culture, compulsivity, messaging to boys and girls and the role faith plays.
Don’t let Easter creep up on you. We’re wanting to our member’s attention on Jesus’ death and resurrection and and hold out the word of life to a needy world.
We’re talking how to engage the neighbourhood, deliberate welcoming, leading hearts to love Jesus and what does and doesn’t work in follow up.
Paul Webb is the Senior Minister at Chester Hill Anglican Church, Elliot Temple is responsible for Mission at Christ Church St Ives and Andrew Levy is the Director of Mission at Christ Church Gladesville.
As the report into the sexual misconduct of Ravi Zacharias was released I was deep in preparation for teaching on Mark 12:38-40 where Jesus addresses the hypocritical faith leaders who love the external praise, devour vulnerable women and in the end will receive harsher judgement.
This is an excerpt from last Sunday's address and the congregational question time that followed.
I hope it helps you as you process the release on the report on Ravi Zacharias report’s sexual misconduct last weekend.
The face of Australia is changing. More than half Australia’s migrants come from Asia and that’s a field that is ready for harvest.
Plus, with the changes in China and Hong Kong there’s a new wave of migration expected, and the churches of the west need to be ready.
We are joined by pastors, Ying Yee, from Chinese Christian Church Sydney, Adam Ch’ng, from Cross and Crown in Melbourne and Stephen Oh, from Sydney Living Hope Community Church.
They all serve on the board of the new The Gospel Coalition Australia Asian Network which is being launched this Friday night.
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Harsh new rules have just been approved by the parliament of the Australian state of Victoria, banning conversion practices relating to sexuality.
The parliament has made illegal practices that have been part of Christian religion since the start of the church.
Going forward, pastors have questions on what the law says in regards to teaching in church, in small home groups and 1:1, and on how evangelical pastors respond in love to people with questions about personal sexuality.
We’re speaking to Rowan Kemp, from the Christian Evangelical Union at Sydney University, and Rob Copland, from the University of Wollongong about what changes / innovations they are introducing to better reach students in 2021.
We discuss the shaky months at the beginning of lockdown, new ministry opportunities that have been developed, and things that students might have missed out on.
Christianity in Australia is in decline. The narrative is we had a few golden years at the start, where 96% of the population identified as Christian, but that has been on a gradual decline for decades.
But if that’s the case:
- Why does Christianity in Australia go up, not down, after Darwin?
- In Australia, why does it go up after WWII?
- If the Church was so strong in the middle ages, why was church attendance so sketchy then?
This week, Rory Shiner joins us to discuss the ways that modern understanding is wrong about secularism. Rory believes we’ve accepted a narrative that isn’t true, and are making massive pastoral and missional mistakes because of it.
Adam Lowe has surveyed the online audience for his church, broken them down into four categories, and come up with a series of approaches for exercising pastoral care.
The unity of the Australian Anglican Church is hanging by a thread.
Bishop of Tasmania Richard Condie, Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffell, and Jennifer Hercott from St Lukes Church in Emerald in Queensland all serve on the Board of GAFCON Australia, a group within the Anglican denomination - who are committed to upholding biblical and historic Christian faith, within Anglicanism
Thousands of Christians usually gather in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney to hear from God, from missionaries and to pray for world mission.
But this year, with COVID, there were massive disruptions to the Church Missionary Society summer school, with the program having to be recast four times.
John Lovell is the new CMS General Secretary and Simon Gillham is a former missionary, now Vice Principal of Sydney’s Moore Theological College.
We are talking the changing face of world mission, the impact COVID is having on mission, but also just what happened last week, how it all played out and what the impact on the Church Missionary Society.
I think the most important thing that I have been taught in the whole area of Communicating Christ, was to know what you are aiming for, and be focused on getting there
January is the key time of the year for welcoming newcomers in the Southern hemisphere. In the Northern hemisphere it’s August/September.
But how do we best follow up new people who are moving into the district and looking to join a church? Someone visits your church, but what’s next. What sort of ‘visitor pipeline’ should you have?
A sad note for us to end 2020 on, we speak to Dan Paterson as he processes the growing terrible scandal involving his former mentor and boss, the late International Apologist Ravi Zacharias.